*WARNING : Taking acute doses of ACETAMINOPHEN before attempting any risky deed may give you HEPATOTOXICITY rather than boosting you in that risky event!
The most common drug that is available over-the-counter, PARACETAMOL (Acetaminophen), which is again the most common analgesic and anti-pyretic used by the majority of the population.
In addition to those, recent research (attached below) says that taking acute doses of ACETAMINOPHEN has shown to increase the 'risk taking behavior' by reducing the ability to perceive the risk ahead.
Normally, we make a judgment about anything before we attempt to do anything with that. It can be based on our previous experiences, knowledge of it and importantly, our emotions / feelings towards the concerned matter.
When our subjective feelings / emotions influence our judgement, it is called the AFFECT HEURISTIC.
Taking ACETAMINOPHEN makes our AFFECT HEURISTIC unreliable by reducing our RISK PERCEPTION leading to boosted risk taking mentality.
It has shown to be blunting the risk perception more than the benefit assessment.
So, taking acute doses of ACETAMINOPHEN may blind fold you from assessing the actual risk and impair your judgemental capability!
Read the following research paper for more information about the experiments!